Share the Gospel
& Make Folks Smile!
Sharpen your communication and entertainment skills
at the
Music, Magic and Storytelling
conference on
October 20-21, 2023 in Whittier, CA
at College Avenue Church of the Nazarene!
One evening of Family Fun Entertainment
with a strong Gospel message (FREE and open to all).
Please note: Friday's show is open and free to all, but due to
limited space, you MUST have a ticket for admission.
Get your free ticket below!
One FULL day of training with sixteen classes to choose from,
to give YOU more tools in YOUR tool bag to be an EFFECTIVE communicator of God's grace and mercy AND to create
MORE fun for your audience.
Friday Night Performers
Barry Mitchell is the Smile Maker. Thousands of audiences have laughed with Barry from coast to coast. He has performed in countless theaters and comedy shows; from the streets of the New Orleans French Quarter to sharing the stage with Country Music Stars. Barry was the featured comedian for four years at Dolly Parton's Stampede. As the author of five books including the popular “Magic of Thinking Creatively”; Barry lectures regularly on creativity and children’s entertainment to professional entertainers. He invents and markets original magic effects and storytelling props sold around the world. His career in magic has allowed him to travel from his Tennessee home to the Magic Castle in Hollywood, the Magic Circle in London, Denmark, Mexico, Canada, Australia, South Africa, and the Bahamas. He considers himself truly blessed.
Barry Mitchell
Featured Performer and teacher
D.J. has three decades of stage experience, his relationship with some of the greatest performers in the world, and his position in the production of magic prop equipment make him a unique expert in this field. He is an author of instructional manuals for entertainers, an in-demand lecturer and conference speaker, in addition to his own performance schedule.
Mary and Darcie combine music and puppetry, two of the most powerful teaching tools for communicating the gospel to our world, to inspire and equip teachers to effectively convey the good news of God’s love to His children. Darcie is the creator and designer of “Puppets with a Heart” which are unique because of the removable cloth heart on a string where small props can be put to make stories and lessons memorable. These hand-made, high quality puppets are found in over 150 countries.
Mary Rice Hopkins
& Darcie Maze
Featured Performers and teachers
Barney Kinard is the current President of the Los Angeles Fellowship of Christian Magicians. He has been a Children’s Evangelist with Creative Children’s Ministries for over 50 years. Barney is passionate about creatively reaching and teaching children. He has served in five churches, traveled extensively in the US and 20 countries, and shared the gospel in over 80 denominations. He wrote the Kidology Coaching Program. He is the co-creator and distributor of Story Sticks, an innovative way to illustrate Bible Stories, that are now in over 61 countries.
And as you can see, Barney was on the cover of the FCM Voice, the official publication of the Fellowship of Christian Magicians.
Harvey Simpson
Show emcee and teacher
Harvey has entertained thousands with his FUNtastic Family Magic, Gospel Illusion Shows and Amazing Balloon Creations for over 30 years. He knows how to make all ages laugh out loud and presents a clear "Good News" message when needed. He is two-time past president of the Los Angeles Fellowship of Christian Magicians, has been on the board for several years and does the website. Additionally, he pastors a small church in Highland Park, CA. He is looking forward to emceeing the show on Friday night and will share his humor, magic & Amazing Balloon Creations with the audience.
pricing per person
Early Bird
Postmarked after October 9, 2023.
At Door
Registration Register at door (if there are any spaces left)
Hurry Register Today!
You only have until the October 9th for the Early Bird Discount
You missed out!
Workshop Lecturers
Barry Mitchell
Featured Performer and teacher
Focus on Funny for Kids
Do you want kids to pay attention to your show? Focus on funny. Do you want them to listen to your message? Focus on funny. Do you want parents to have fun too? Focus on funny. The “funny stuff” is important when performing for kids. Barry will share some of the tools he uses to make his shows funnier. Even if you don’t do “shows” for kids, you’ll discover concepts and techniques that work in small groups too. And you just might find it funny.
The Six Most Powerful Words
in the World
“Once upon a time” are four words that begin most stories. However, there are six words even more powerful. Step into Barry’s world of “Performance Storytelling” and discover how to use the tools of illusion, stories, and humor to entertain and encourage.
D.J. Edwards
Featured Performer and teacher
Learn how to CAPTURE and KEEP the attention of your audience😀
With his years of experience and thousands of shows, D.J. will spill the beans on what keeps an audience enthralled. D.J. will give you practical tools that you can instantly implement, a cheat code of sorts, that “demands” an audience’s curiosity.
Magic with a Message: Clearly Communicating the Gospel Through Magic
Keeping the main thing the main thing isn’t difficult when we clearly define it. Learn how to choose effects for the message, instead of messages for the effects. The gospel message cannot be watered down, nor unclear when presenting Gospel Magic. Learn how to effectively share the Truth of God's word with Gospel Illusions.
Mary Rice Hopkins
& Darcie Maze
Featured Performers and teachers
New Generation of Music
and More
Mary Rice Hopkins with assistance from Darcie Maze
Are your kids not as enthusiastic about singing and worship as you'd like? Would you like to add a musical touch to your Bible theme, but you're unsure where to start? Join us for an exciting seminar where we'll show you how to bring your lessons to life using songs, motions, object lessons, puppets, and much more! Dive into a fast-paced workshop that will leave you eager for more. Let's make learning an unforgettable musical adventure together!
Puppetry Made Easy
Darcie Maze with assistance from Mary Rice Hopkins
Ever felt a bit unsure about using a basic puppet? Don't worry! The second most impactful tool for children's ministry doesn't have to be the most underutilized. Looking for a helping hand? This workshop is here to guide you through crafting easy hand puppets, performing without a stage, adding a touch of music, and ramping up the excitement to truly bring the Bible to life! Join us and let's make puppetry an exciting and accessible part of your ministry toolkit.
Julie Pompeo
Barney Kinard
Featured Performer and teacher
Julie Pompeo, from Ontario, Canada, is a twenty-year veteran in Children’s Ministry. Kidology Coaching Program clarified her calling as a Children’s Ministry Specialist. She is now a much in demand Certified Story-Stick Trainer. Julie speaks passionately at outreach programs for churches, camps and conducts workshops for Kidmin leaders. Her heart is to reach and teach children, especially the ‘hard ones.’
Making Bible Stories Stick, with Just Four Sticks
Barney Kinard with assistance from Julie Pompeo - A hands-on session to learn how to use Story Sticks, a creative new tool for illustrating Bible stories. You will be amazed at the attention and retention from children of all ages
Teaching Children to be Bible Storytellers-with Four Plastic Sticks!
Julie Pompeo with assistance from Barney Kinard - Can you imagine your children sharing Bible Stories with their family and friends? Come and learn how you can teach them how to use this creative tool. You will be amazed how kids can now become Bible storytellers. This will be a hands-on workshop.
Harvey Simpson
Show emcee and teacher
Easy Balloons for Gospel Presentations
Have you always wanted to add balloons to repertoire? Harvey will show you how a few simple balloon creations can provide the perfect object lesson for your biblical message. In this class you will learn about balloon safety, how to properly tie and inflate the right balloons, finally how to use them to illustrate the truth of God's Word.
Really EASY to Do Magic Tricks to Jazz Up Your Biblical Presentations
Ever wanted to do few tricks to warm up your audience BEFORE hitting them with a strong biblical message? Then this class is for you. Harvey will show you how to do very basic sleight of hand and how to apply it to any situation in a formal show and/or your biblical teachings.
Steve Varro
Steve’s early religious training came from one year in a Catholic school and a mother who saw to it that he and his sister attended mass every Sunday morning…Self taught through reading everything he could find in the public library, and lots of practice, Steve began performing for Corporate Parties, Service Clubs and Schools…this led to some night club work and a complete separation from the values taught as a child. In 1975, while trying to disprove several facts in the Bible, Steve came face to face with that early training. He accepted Jesus as his personal Savior… In 1978 Steve Varro became a full-time Christian Illusionist… He has performed with many celebrities, including Roy Rogers, Harry Blackstone, David Copperfield and Jane Russell, as well as for the Royal Family of Barbados, in the West Indies…
Additionally, Steve has served the Fellowship of Christian Magicians as 15th President of the FCM from January 2, 2000 to December 31 2003 and the 18th President serving from August 1, 2014 to July 31 2017.
Gospel Magic. . . as I Use It
A step-by-step workshop on the handling, scripture references and the complete patter for presenting several effects, you can make or buy. Lessons include Salvation, Talents, Faith, the Great Commission and more.
Magic... a Tricky Business Magic -
Magic is a tricky business, it’s also an enjoyable business, but we need to treat it as a business. This Workshop, on the showmanship and business side of magic, will be filled with tips aimed at helping you avoid some of the pitfalls most common to magicians.
Dr. Ralph Mackintosh
Dr. Ralph Mackintosh has been performing illusions for over 50 years while entertaining audiences across the country and appearing in venues such as the Magic Castle, Disneyland, the Queen Mary, Las Vegas, churches, Fortune 500 companies, and convention centers in scores of major US cities. While much of his performing career has been for corporations and trade shows his start was in a church talent show at age 13 and performing for church events and teaching gospel lessons through the medium of illusion has always been close to his heart. Hopefully, this year he will finish his book on gospel children’s sermons from over 30 years of experience
developing and presenting weekly illustrations.
Filling the Stage
Gospel Illusions that Can Be Performed for Audiences of 10 or 1000. Learn Gospel illustrations that can be presented for groups of all sizes. With an emphasis on
simple props that can be carried in a briefcase but can be scaled for presentation in the largest church auditorium or in a Sunday School classroom. None of the effects being taught require difficult sleight of hand or prior magician’s knowledge but can astound an audience while delivering a vital message.
Children’s Sermons with
a Magical Touch
Having presented hundreds of children’s sermons Ralph Mackintosh will share a number of his favorite 5 minute illustrated sermon ideas. Ralph’s philosophy is that children’s messages should be outrageous, funny, colorful, exciting, or even magical in order to grab kids attention. Attendees will go home with a set of 10-12 original scripts taken from Ralph’s new book due out
later this year.
Jamie Doyle
(current President of the International Fellowship of Christian Magicians)
Jamie Doyle is always looking for unique ways to tell children about his best friend, Jesus! Using juggling, illusions, ventriloquism, comedy and storytelling, Jamie has had the privilege of traveling all across the US all over the World to make a difference in children’s lives. He is currently the Children’s Pastor at River City Church in Lafayette, Indiana. He also serves as the International President of the Fellowship of Christian Magicians. AND he can’t wait to be with you!
Bring It to Life
Looking for fresh fun gospel magic routines? Based on his book 'Bring It To Life', Jamie reveals the secrets of his most popular routines. With messages from giving to following God's call, there is something that will appeal to everyone. Jamie will also share some additional ideas that will get you thinking.
Tricky Messages
Incredible Gospel magic routines with an unforgettable Biblical messages! Based on Jamie’s massive 4 volume series, ‘Tricky Messages’ Jamie will share with you his signature routines from the series as well as a few items that have just recently seen print.
pricing per person
Early Bird
Single Registration
Postmarked after October 9, 2023.
At Door
Single Registration Register at door (if there are any spaces left)
Hurry Register Today!
You only have until the October 9th for the Early Bird Discount
You missed out!
Workshop Exhibitors
Barry Mitchell
truths and treasures, creative magic.
Jamie Doyle
Products and creative Gospel resources for sale.
Mary Rice Hopkins and Darcy Maze
Barney Kinard and Julie Pompeo
Creative Bible Storytelling Resources. Want your Bible stories to stick? Use Story Sticks!
Steve Varro
Specializing in Gospel Magic Resources, and some Old Estate Magic for Sale
D.J. Edwards
High Quality Magic Store that manufactures a wide assortment of ministry teaching resources.
Ken Sands
Going Out of Business Magic Store Sale
Jim Fullerton
Two Trunks of Old Collectable Magic for Sale

College Avenue Church of the Nazarene
8221 College Avenue, Whittier, CA 90605